Friday, July 24, 2009

July 23rd 2009

Today I would like to dedicate to someone who has done much to help with the walk...

My Grandmother,

You have been supportive from the very beginning and always wanted to help in anyway possible. I dedicate July 23rd 2009 to my Grandmother because she is an amazing woman who has not only helped with this Walk, but also in my family's personal life.

For This I Commend You Debbie Shard,

David Ashby

Now to talk about the day... I made it to my destination right on schedule and took a tour of the facilities. Learning that there President of the Board of Directors was a man who went through the Disciples Program (this is a program that after you qualify you get to stay for 6 months to save up your money, but must attend classes and Bible study).

After a short speech about what I am doing and a few questions (some were how long it has taken me so far to what about on a state level when the state gets the funding, but doesn't put the money where it belongs) I went to the Prayer area to see how religion helps people. Its seems like people turn to there religion to help them through tough times. Disciple David stated "I went through some tough times with being addicted to Heroin, but I found God and he saved me" It really shows how people can change there ways. In 6 months Disciple David quit all drugs and alcohol and was all about making sure that he pleased his Lord.

During Prayer time they started to sing different songs, and just sitting in the back and listening to these people sing there sorrows away was just amazing. During Amazing Grace they all started to stand up and they were just so thankful for what they had. Afterwards Disciple David and myself sat down and talked about his old life which wasn't so pretty, but he really had made a transformation.

And that's just one Disciple that had made a huge difference within themselves, Every single one of them had.

You would never think that people need socks so much, but the past four centers i've visted where in desperate need of...

Adult Socks

So if you have a few dollars or pairs please go to your nearest shelter and donate them. People run through socks like you wouldn't believe.

Well, I will be back on the road again shortly.

Thank you all for supporting me and this Cause.

David Ashby

1 comment:

  1. Awww....Thank you David. I am sooooo proud of you! You are an inspiration to me every day!

